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NodeRED Sound Effects Configuration for Home Assistant Events

The process begins with an events: all node set to watch only state_changed event types. To differentiate between events that are supposed to trigger sound versus events that aren't, we use a switch node after the events: all node to test for a custom attribute, which we define for each entity that should trigger a sound effect. We add a custom attribute called audio_enabled and assign it the value true to every entity that we want to participate in the sound effects flow(s).

Test Case

Our test case will use the switch.coffee_maker entity.

When the switch.coffee_maker entity changes states from off to on, we need NodeRED to know this and act accordingly. The events: all node will see the state_change and pass the payload on to the switch node. The switch node will look for the custom attribute audio_enabled in the attributes of the payload. If the value exists and it is set to true, the message will pass to the next node.

Using a change node, we will remove the domain portion of the entity_id and change the payload to reflect only the suffix of the entity ID.. In this case, switch.coffee_maker will be converted to coffee_maker.

soundFxPath = /config/www/sounds/

HAUrl = "" (this can be found in the config variable)

soundFxURL = HAUrl + "/local/sounds" =

soundFxCoffeePath = /config/www/sounds/coffee/ (for counting available sound files)