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Variable Reference Guide

This guide is specific to my configuration, but feel free to use any of these ideas for your projects.

Flow #1: Set Variables

Function Node 1: Global States / Services

The following function creates a Global context variable containing an object that has all of the home assistant entity states and services and can be used anywhere in NodeRED.

Node Exported

[{"id":"952152fe.317","type":"function","z":"4dc1f2f2.a22a4c","name":"Global States / Services","func":"// The following two lines create Global context variables which contain all of the home assistant entity states and services\n//and can be used anywhere in NodeRED.\n\nglobal.set(\"states\", global.get('homeassistant').homeAssistant.states);\nglobal.set(\"services\", global.get('homeassistant');","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":430,"y":40,"wires":[[]]}]

Function Script

// The following two lines create Global context variables which contain all of the home assistant entity states and services
//and can be used anywhere in NodeRED.

global.set("states", global.get('homeassistant').homeAssistant.states);
global.set("services", global.get('homeassistant');

Function Node 2: Global Variables: Sound FX

In the /config/www folder, I've created a folder called /sounds which contains many sub-folders and audio files used througout home assistant just to make things more interesting.

Exported Node

[{"id":"c89aa49c.b07428","type":"function","z":"4dc1f2f2.a22a4c","name":"Global Variables: Sound FX","func":"var soundFxPath = \"/config/www/sounds/\";\nvar soundFx = {\n    \"soundFxPath\" : soundFxPath,\n    \"soundFxCoffeePath\" : \"coffee/\"\n    };\n    \nvar soundFxMonth = global.get('calendarData').monthName;\nvar soundFxThemes = {\n    \"january\" : \"\",\n    \"february\" : \"\",\n    \"march\" : \"\",\n    \"april\" : \"\",\n    \"may\" : \"\",\n    \"june\" : \"\",\n    \"july\" : \"\",\n    \"august\" : \"\",\n    \"september\": \"\",\n    \"october\" : \"halloween/\",\n    \"november\" : \"thanksgiving/\",\n    \"december\" : \"christmas/\"\n    };\n\nvar soundFxTheme = soundFxThemes[soundFxMonth];\n\nvar soundFx = {\n    \"soundFxPath\" : soundFxPath,\n    \"soundFxCoffeePath\" : soundFxPath + \"coffee/\",\n    \"soundFxTheme\" : soundFxTheme\n    };\n\nglobal.set(\"soundFx\", soundFx);\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":440,"y":80,"wires":[[]]}]

Variables and Their Purpose

Variable Purpose
soundFxPath Defines the root path to all of the sounds stored in (/config/www/sounds/)
soundFxCoffeePath soundFxPath + coffee/, where all coffee commercials are stored. (/config/www/sounds/coffee/)
soundFxMonth Set to the name of the current month based on calendarData
soundFxThemes an object containing the names of all of the months and their corresponding holiday or special occasion expressed as a path for seasonal sounds. For example, {"december":"christmas/"}
soundFx Combines the other soundFx variables into a single object.
soundFxTheme soundFxThemes[soundFXMonth] Returns the path associated with the current month.
soundFX (Global.set) Sets a global context variable containing the contents of the soundFx object.

Function Script

var soundFxPath = "/config/www/sounds/";

var soundFxMonth = global.get('calendarData').monthName;
var soundFxThemes = {
    "january" : "",
    "february" : "",
    "march" : "",
    "april" : "",
    "may" : "",
    "june" : "",
    "july" : "",
    "august" : "",
    "september": "",
    "october" : "halloween/",
    "november" : "thanksgiving/",
    "december" : "christmas/"

var soundFxTheme = soundFxThemes[soundFxMonth];

var soundFx = {
    "soundFxPath" : soundFxPath,
    "soundFxCoffeePath" : soundFxPath + "coffee/",
    "soundFxTheme" : soundFxTheme

global.set("soundFx", soundFx);

return msg;

Function Node 3: Calendar Variables

I know, there are probably a thousand ways to do this but this is what I landed on.

Exported Node

[{"id":"4df65483.b36aec","type":"function","z":"4dc1f2f2.a22a4c","name":"Calendar Variables","func":"const gHomeAssistant = global.get('homeassistant').homeAssistant;\nconst monthNames = [\"january\", \"february\", \"march\", \"april\", \"may\", \"june\",\n  \"july\", \"august\", \"september\", \"october\", \"november\", \"december\"\n];\nconst dayNames = [\"sunday\", \"monday\", \"tuesday\", \"wednesday\", \"thursday\", \"friday\", \"saturday\"];\nconst d = new Date();\n\nvar monthName = monthNames[d.getMonth()];\nvar dayName = dayNames[d.getDay()];\nvar hourNumber = d.getHours();\nvar monthDay = d.getDate();\n\nif (gHomeAssistant.states['calendar.holidays_in_united_states'].state == \"off\") {\n    var holiday = false;\n} else {\n    var holiday = true;\n}\nglobal.set('monthName', undefined);\n\nvar timeData = {\n    \"monthName\" : monthName,\n    \"dayName\" : dayName,\n    \"hourNumber\" : hourNumber,\n    \"monthDay\" : monthDay,\n    \"holidayToday\" : holiday,\n    \"nextHoliday\" : gHomeAssistant.states['calendar.holidays_in_united_states'].attributes.message\n    };\n\nglobal.set(\"calendarData\", timeData);\nglobal.set(\"test1\", undefined);\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":410,"y":120,"wires":[[]]}]

Function Script

const gHomeAssistant = global.get('homeassistant').homeAssistant;
const monthNames = ["january", "february", "march", "april", "may", "june",
  "july", "august", "september", "october", "november", "december"
const dayNames = ["sunday", "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday"];
const d = new Date();

var monthName = monthNames[d.getMonth()];
var dayName = dayNames[d.getDay()];
var hourNumber = d.getHours();
var monthDay = d.getDate();

if (gHomeAssistant.states['calendar.holidays_in_united_states'].state == "off") {
    var holiday = false;
} else {
    var holiday = true;
global.set('monthName', undefined);

var timeData = {
    "monthName" : monthName,
    "dayName" : dayName,
    "hourNumber" : hourNumber,
    "monthDay" : monthDay,
    "holidayToday" : holiday,
    "nextHoliday" : gHomeAssistant.states['calendar.holidays_in_united_states'].attributes.message

global.set("calendarData", timeData);
global.set("test1", undefined);
return msg;

Variables and Their Purpose

Variable Purpose
gHomeAssistant Stores the global homeassistant object in gHomeAssistant. I honestly am not sure this is necessary, but there it is.
monthNames Creates an array of month names to be referenced wherever.
dayNames Creates an array of all of the names of the days in the week.
monthName Looks up the month name in the monthNames array by index based upon the actual month number. (0 - 11)
dayName Looks up the day name in dayNames based upon the number of the day of the week. (0 - 6)
hourNumber Stores the hour by number (0 - 23)
monthDay Stores the day of the month expressed as an integer (0 - 30/31).
holiday A boolean set by a google calendar using the HA calendar integration. If it's a holiday, the state of the calendar calendar.holidays_in_united_states will be "on", thus, the variable holiday will be true.
timeData An object that combines all of these variables to be stored as a global context variable.
calendarData A globally set variable that contains all of the contents of timeData